Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spokes Model Session

Our program this year has definitely kicked off! This week we shot some great sessions and are looking forward to the remaining ones. Spokes Models are no joke this year; they're on point with bringing a variety of clothing changes, which personalizes their session. For example, this model plays soccer and decided to incorporate this activity to her personal session.

Our Spokes Model’s enthusiasm and Charisma definitely shows in their sessions, so for those Models that haven’t done their session yet, it’s looking quite fierce!

1 comment:

Mike O said...

This blog is so out of my area of interest that I would probably never post on this site unless I needed to for a grade, which just so happens to be the case. Nevertheless, your post is well written and makes your enterprise seem fun and appealing. Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing more pictures of the models!