Thursday, February 7, 2008

Come join us at the Black Expo July 19-20, 2008.

Black Expo 2008
Positive Images will be a vendor at this year’s Black Expo 2008, the largest African American event in Northern California designed to promote African American economic development. Black Expo offers companies, large and small, the opportunity to access a lucrative, often overlooked market. No other event in the Bay Area is designed to focus the spotlight on and contribute to the economic empowerment of the African American community. The bottom line is that no other event receives the same level of community, and that’s why we have been participating for over ten years. No matter how busy we are at the studio, we make sure to attend every year because we recognize that no other event in the Bay Area is strongly identified as a showcase event benefiting our community.

There are many benefits when attending the Expo, so on behalf of everyone at Positive Images we invite you and your loved ones to come join us. Not only will you find new business opportunities, you will also end up making new friends. You are definitely guaranteed to gain useful information that will improve your life throughout the year. If anything, you can also find new jobs and hobbies. So come out July 19-20 and find businesses to patronize Expo weekend and throughout the rest of the year. If you don't want to miss this event, advance tickets will be available after May 2008. Hope to see you there!


Mike O said...

Very professional writing and layout and I look forward to hearing more along these lines from you in the future. Nicely done.

JiratuX said...

That sounds like an awesome event. As a black man I find it very important to have events like this. It sounds like a business oriented venture though; what would a non-businessman like myself have to do? Would it be more of a networking thing?

I'm told we have to include one link but I can't think of what to link to so I'll resort to shameless self promotion... CHECK OUT THE LATEST SCI-FI STORIES ON THE UNFITTING REVENGE INC SITE

Anonymous said...

I'm glad there's conventions for things like that. The last time I heard of anything close to it was the black panthers or MLK jr. hanging out at the Washington Monument.

lorena zuluaga said...

I love your blog. I already subscribed to it, as you know it. I like both of the posts that you have made so far. The first one was helpful because I am taking a Photoshop class right now and I never thought of looking for tutorial videos online. That video was fairly simple and it gave cool information about simple effects and filters to accomplish a certain look. Your second post was also cool because you are promoting an event that I think we can all get something out of. Photography is a great form of art that help people express who they are and what they like and that sounds like a great event.

Look at this picture. Doesn’t it make you think about why we have wars? Why are so many people inhuman? I think we should start within our own home in U.S a nation that sets the example. I think I am going to write anti-gun reform, because we don’t need guns. What do you think?

Victims of War